Both species seem to enjoy the sticky shallow trickle coming down through the cement drains. A family of 4 Black Fronted Dotterel wanted me gone from the vicinity where their progeny were located and another in a different drain ran off
very smartly when it spotted me.
Again near the drain, 4 White Fronted Chat were together in what appeared to be a family grouping. Red-rumped Parrot also fly across from the old homestead to the drain for a drink after swilling on Grevillea Robusta.
Both lakes were very quiet of bird life, apart from some Hardhead, Black Duck, Australasian and Hoary-headed Grebe, Coot, 2 White-faced Heron and a couple of Cormorant.
I had not been on the cycle track along the Molongolo for more than a year, and found today everything to be very overgrown. Nesting Darter and Cormorant can be heard from the track, and there is plenty of water coming down the river.