Hi Rhiannon,
Some of the biggest concentrations of foxes in Australia are in urban areas but generally they are active at night. There is no point in reporting it as the
local ACT Government can’t (read won’t) do anything as laying poison baits might be picked up by people’s dogs.
With the rubbish around the ponds, get on to the ACT Government website Access Canberra (phone 132281) and ask to speak to someone about the rubbish. I have
suggested to the ACT Government in the past that cleaning up these suburban ponds would be a good use of people who are sentenced to community service orders. Surprisingly they agreed with me but I am not sure if anything actually got done. I am sure we would
all like to know their reaction.
From: Rhiannon Kiggins [
Sent: Tuesday, 31 January 2017 3:08 PM
To: COG List
Subject: [canberrabirds] Black-fronted Dotterels & Red Fox
Hi Everyone - four black-fronted dotterels spotted at the two ponds near Slim Dusty Circuit in Moncrieff this morning at around 9:00 am. Only a few hundred meters away along the Bicentennial National Trail I spotted a pesky fox running
around stirring up the neighbour's dogs.
Two questions: are foxes commonly sighted in Canberra suburbs in broad daylight and should I report this to the local council? I just hope he doesn't make a meal out of the poor dotterels living not too far away! The state of the ponds
were also very poor with all sorts of rubbish littering the banks including construction materials from the new housing development nearby.