What a life is this – get up, have breakfast, walk up the hill, have lunch!
Sounds like a terrible diary! But what a great morning along the NW fence line from 8.15 to 11.15am. There was lots of loitering with very good results, and a cool breeze.
Among 37 species the most surprising was 1 White-throated Treecreeper – rarely seen in this vicinity, and one Diamond Firetail. Next best but by far not least, were three Scarlet Robins in different locations. (1 male and 2 immature),
1 Southern Whiteface, 2 Rufous Songlark, 3 White-winged Triller (one of which left the nest since 29 December), 4 Tawny Frogmouth, dependent young Dusky Woodswallow, Dollarbird, Western and White-throated Gerygone, Red-rumped Parrots, evidence of Red-browed
Finch breeding in large numbers, Black-faced Cuckoo Shrike on nest, dependent young Currawong and Magpie, plenty of Yellow-rumped Thornbill and some Buff-rumped Thornbill.