As mentioned in the July COG newsletter and at a recent presentation at the ANBG, COG is conducting a survey on the Latham’s Snipe
The aim of the survey is to find out about other locations in urban and rural ACT and local region where the Snipe may be found and to compare numbers and frequency of use with the birds using the Jerrabomberra Wetlands.
We are looking for volunteers who will survey their chosen wetland for Latham’s Snipe during 2016-17 spring/summer on the following weekends:
August 20-21
September 17-18
October 15-16
November 19-20
December 17-18
January 21-22
February 18-19
March 18-19
For either day of the weekend walk slowly around your wetland and record the number of Latham’s Snipe you see or hear. The number seen, the date and the start and end time of the survey need to be recorded can be submitted through any of
the following:
COG Incidental Form to be found at
Email to
Remember, please submit a record if you have surveyed but not seen any Snipe.
Once you have chosen an urban wetland to survey could you register your wetland by letting Lori Gould, Program Manager, Woodlands and Wetlands Trust (Jerrabomberra Wetlands) know either via email at
or telephone 0439 030058 or email to