
One brown Grey Teal and Plumed Whistleducks

To: "" <>
Subject: One brown Grey Teal and Plumed Whistleducks
From: Con Boekel <>
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2016 06:51:29 +0000
It has been brought to my attention that Ryu is a male.

Ryu, please accept my apologies.



On 26/04/2016 3:53 PM, Con Boekel wrote:
A few weeks ago Ryu posted an image of a brown-looking Grey Teal (?) which she had captured at Mulligan's Flat. This morning I took the following image. It was not until I returned home that I realized that the bird on the left was distinctly browner than the bird on the right which is clearly a Grey Teal.
Was gibst?

ps There were 27 Plumed Whistleducks at the Trucking Yard Dam.

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