I was at Hughes this afternoon. I could hear many RL around. I saw a flying flock of maybe close to 20. Probably the biggest gathering of the species I have
encountered in Canberra. This was in the vicinity of Malkara special school.
From: sandra henderson [
Sent: Wednesday, 20 April, 2016 3:54 PM
To: Cog line
Subject: Re: [canberrabirds] Rainbow Lorikeet breeding in Fadden
Looked at Ryu's pic of the baby lorikeet - and it is obviously in a different hollow to the one I saw an adult emerge from this morning, then go back into a few minutes later. So it seems there are at least 2 current breeding events for
the rainbow lorikeets at the park.
From: Ryu
Callaway [
Sent: Tuesday, 19 April, 2016 9:55 PM
To: COG Chat
Subject: [canberrabirds] Rainbow Lorikeet breeding in Fadden
This morning I was investigating a begging call which turned out to be coming from a hollow- 2 Rainbow Lorikeets
flew out and a little while later, a juvenile close to fledging with dark eyes and beak tentatively peeking out of the hollow.
COG PDF datasheet shows no NY records as of 2013 and no breeding records for March or April.