
Crimson Rosella beak damage

To: Con Boekel <>, Canberra Birds <>
Subject: Crimson Rosella beak damage
From: "calyptorhynchus ." <>
Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2016 21:35:16 +0000
My understanding is that birds' beaks are amde of keratine, the stuff human finger nails are made of, and also, in the case of bulbous beaks like the Rosella's, hollow, or filled with air pockets at the top. In other words I think that the injury isn't going to harm the Rosella and it will heal.

The Powl that was a Botanic gardens in the late 2000s had a similar injury at the top of its beak. If we subscribe to the theory that the current Turner Powl is the same bird, then it will have healed in the interim.

John Leonard

On 14 April 2016 at 20:15, Con Boekel <> wrote:
Attached is an image of an adult Crimson Rosella. I will attach another image to my next email. the images are of the same bird but from different angles. The damage on the left hand side of the beak matches the damage on the right hand side of the beak. One possibility is that the bird was injured in a fight with another Crimson Rosella.

Crimson Rosella
14 April 2016
Campbell Park
Con Boekel

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John Leonard

I want to be with the 9,999 other things.
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