
Honeyeaters still moving over Duffy today

To: Martin Butterfield <>
Subject: Honeyeaters still moving over Duffy today
From: Denis Wilson <>
Date: Sun, 10 Apr 2016 14:53:07 +0000
Today I was back in Robertson, 200 kms approx. north-east from Canberra, but I found myself in a steady stream of migrating Honeyeaters. Presumably a continuation of the trend of migrating Honeyeaters reported by COG members in recent weeks.

The main flocks I saw were parties of about 10 to 20 birds travelling in loose flocks. There were both Yellow-faced and White-naped Honeyeaters, and one fast moving tight flock of about 15 Noisy Friarbirds, travelling silently. A real contrast to their normal lifestyle. 

I am intrigued that the Friarbirds and (in previous years here) Red Wattlebirds appear to follow the same flight paths as the smaller Honeyeaters. Both these much larger Honeyeaters end to travel in tight groups, not mixing with the other species. Yet travelling at the same time as them, and in the same direction.

Thanks Martin for remembering that I describe the White-napes as making a "mewing" call. Everybody seems to agree with the Yellow-faces going Chip, Chip. But Noisy Friarbirds being silent, and together, was seemingly out of character for that species (a peaceful migratory collusion?).

Denis Wilson

On Sunday, 10 April 2016, Martin Butterfield <> wrote:

I am unsure how to orally-reproduce ‘smjeep’ but don't recall that being the sound I make when sucking lollies, which is more like  "Schulloooop" or "scrunchh" - depending on your choice of lolly.   The distinction given to me by Denis Wilson, presumably based on many Autumns lurking beside nets on New Chums Rd, and which works well is that White-naped Honeyeaters 'mew' when migrating whereas YFHE 'chip'.


PS another lolly sucking noise - mainly restricted to strong toffees - is 'yaroooooo' when fillings are loosened.

Martin Butterfield

On 10 April 2016 at 09:23, Geoffrey Dabb <m("')","_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','gdabb");;" target="_blank">> wrote:

Jean  -  white-naped in flight sometimes give the ‘smjeep’ lolly-sucking call rather than the chip chip.  They are also distinctly smaller/dumpier than the yellow-faced if seen together  


From: casburnj [mailto:m("')","_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','casburnj");;" target="_blank">]
Sent: Saturday, 9 April 2016 10:00 PM
To: canberrabirds
Cc: 'sandra henderson'
Subject: [canberrabirds] Honeyeaters still moving over Duffy today


I thought the stream might have finished 2 days ago, but low and behold for about 1.5 hours this morning, White-naped Honeyeaters and Yellow-faced Honeyeater continued to move over my garden. Some reasonable sized groups of these birds were not calling, but were evident by the shadows they cast – have others seen this and if so were they also likely to be White-naped? 



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