Ducked into Jerra wetlands Sat 9/4 @ c. 3.15 & in the next c. 1 &1/2 hrs had marvellous duck watching, 6 species, mainly from in, & around right hand cnr of, the new hide: this enabled me to see a number of those listed emerging from a
v private channel (from their point of view) to the right:
black ducks; 2 grey teal; pair of freckled ducks; 2 pink-eared ducks, 1 of them sunbaking on the `elbow’ of a slender tallish tree stump in the middle of the pond; 2 A’asian shovellers, m&f; & later, back at main entrance hide [name??]
a hardhead, continually diving within a smallish pondette.
Sue Edgar