
Eastern Koel

To: Canberrabirds <>
Subject: Eastern Koel
From: Paul Fennell <>
Date: Thu, 7 Apr 2016 04:31:40 +0000
Hello everyone

I hope we are all getting more sleep now that most if not all the Eastern Koels 
have gone back east.  At least the Pickles Street crowd have left.

In writing up the Highlights and Lowlights section of the Annual Bird Report, I 
have been debating whether the increase in Koels in the ACT is a highlight or a 

I have attached a short statement about their increasing prevalence which 
contains a couple of graphs.  Unfortunately I am not sure how to include graphs 
in email texts with this new iMac system I have, since all I get is a box with 
a question mark in it.  Thus the resort to including an attached word doc with 
the graphs in there.

Attachment: SimilarEasternKoelGraphs.docx
Description: SimilarEasternKoelGraphs.docx

Attachment: ATT00001.txt
Description: ATT00001.txt

Attachment: ATT00002.txt
Description: ATT00002.txt

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