Dear Sarah,
I have not been able to walk on Isaacs Ridge for some years but when I used to walk there regularly (almost daily) there was a brown goshawk that used to breed each year in the pines just above the Buntine Crescent entrance. I never
actually saw the nest but had many experiences of being 'dive-bombed' in the spring.
Ann Howarth
Sent: Wednesday, April 6, 2016 7:13 PM
Subject: [canberrabirds] Mugga Lane (Isaacs Ridge Reserve) woodland surveys
The reserve is very dry, and the survey sites (3 in all) had very small numbers of birds. The surprise of the morning was a Brown Goshawk, which flew to a branch above my head and glared at me for several minutes at the last site.
Less than 20 species in all, with a group of three Common Bronzewings close to the step-thru on Mugga Lane the only significant sighting outside the actual sites.
Sandra Henderson