Greetings: The COG team did the autumn survey at Mulligans this morning, in heavily overcast and cool to mild conditions. Autumn migration movement was apparent with larger than usual numbers of species moving through (Grey Fantail,
Striated and Spotted Pardalotes, Welcome Swallow, Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike). However, there were very few migratory honeyeaters, only a couple of Yellow-faced Honeyeaters around. Several of the spring migrants were still around, eg Western Gerygone and
Rufous Whistler. Numbers of White-eared Honeyeaters had increased as they move in from higher country for the cooler months, and Golden Whistlers were also at a couple of sites. Scarlet Robins were recorded at 8 sites across the reserve. Other interesting
sightings were 1 Jacky Winter and 1 Red-capped Robin in a mixed flock near site 11, a flock of 32 Little Ravens, and several sightings of Varied Sittellas. The large dam had good numbers of waterbirds including 1 Aust Shelduck, 15 Freckled Ducks, Pink-eared
Ducks with ducklings, and large numbers of Eurasian Coot and Welcome Swallows. Superb Parrots were around the large dam area and were also heard as we entered the reserve off Forde. A total of 55 species was recorded, down on the usual autumn species counts
in the early 60s; however, there was still a lot of activity in terms of overall numbers of birds at many of the 24 sites.