The raptor one, on one photo I would almost think a falcon of some kind and leave it at that, but the other photo is far more obvious and it is a Little Eagle.
The robin by virtue of the red on the throat and that the other bits fit, I think can only be a young male Flame Robin.
From: Ryu Callaway [
Sent: Saturday, 2 April 2016 2:47 PM
To: COG Chat
Subject: [canberrabirds] Robin ID #2
I have another robin and raptor ID from Jerrabomberra Wetlands this morning. The robin was very unobtrusive and actively flitting about in the middle canopy of a Euch south
of Cygnus Hide. Very strange orange colour on the throat, and patchy bits further down.
Other highlights this morning included a Great Egret on the Billabong Loop, 110 Little Black Cormorant and a Pied Cormorant from Fulica Hide, and 21 Freckled Duck from Cygnus