7.15 to 8.46am lots of bird activity and calling. Warm to warmer.
37 species of which most interesting were:
. 20 Black-faced Cuckoo Shrike, ON (on nest), and lots of young birds
. 15 Grey Fantail DY (dependent young)
. 2 Laughing Kookaburra, DY
. 3 Sacred Kingfisher
. 2 Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo
. 2 Rufous Songlark (not calling)
. 1 Brown Gosshawk
. 11 King Parrot
. 4 Dusky Woodswallow
. 30 Red Browed Finch (lots of young birds with uncoloured bill and brow)
. 4 Dollarbird in great colour
. 2 Rufous Whistler
. 1 Leaden Flycatcher
. 2 Tree Martin
. 30 Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
. Thornbills various
No Currawong or Raven