On Monday late afternoon, an ANU friend and I did a quick check on Sittella's nest at Campbell Park and found that the nest was empty and soon at nearby woods we found 5 birds foraging together and flew off in a spectacular possession. Hope these are the
same family we have been observing.
The last time the chicks (adult size) were still in the nest was on Friday afternoon. So the chicks must have fledged during the weekend. Anyone seen them last weekend?
Why 5 birds? I had earlier noticed there were 3 adults came to the tree where the nest was. This should explain that Sittella breeds cooperatively although I do not know the relationship of the third adult.
On other hand my friend saw a bronze cuckoo which he believed to be a Horsefield's. Is this possible? (He has crappy photo to show the eye mask). Although a pair seen on other day near horse gate appeared to be Shiny.
Below are some of the photo links of Sittella and a display male Dusky Woodswallow.
Adult Sittella attending the nest
Adult Sittella w full sized chick (fast growing in a week's time)
Courtship display male Dusky Woodswallow (despite it was almost dark)
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