Hello Harvey,
What are you calling a Yellow Gum? Is it a street planting or in the reserve? If in reserve, behind what number?
From: Perkins, Harvey [
Sent: Wednesday, 24 June 2015 12:40 PM
To: 'Isobel Crawford'; COG List
Subject: RE: [canberrabirds] Swift Parrots, again (aren't we privileged) Duffy X Chisholm [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
When I dropped by the preferred flowering Yellow Gum behind Duffy Street at 8:45 this morning there were four Swift Parrots feeding in the upper
canopy. I’d missed them at midday on Saturday. The tree was also attracting Noisy Miners and Eastern Rosellas at the time, and Steve H was present on both occasions.
Dr Harvey Perkins
CRC Programme Liaison Officer
Phone +61 2 6213
From: Isobel Crawford
Sent: Wednesday, 24 June 2015 12:28 PM
To: COG List
Subject: [canberrabirds] Swift Parrots, again (aren't we privileged) Duffy X Chisholm
As I rode towards the southern end of Duffy Street in Ainslie yesterday at about noon, I saw 4 Swift Parrots hurtle into the largest Yellow Box in line with Chisholm St. This tree has a few mistletoes in it, and I had
been wondering over the last few weeks whether Swift Parrots might see flowers and/or fruits of Mistletoe as a food source. I was binocular-less, and time-poor, so shall return and check what is there.
HANZAB has no references to Swift Parrots feeding on Mistletoe.
I checked the White Box and Ironbark plantings at Parkes Way X Clunies Ross at c. 14:15 hrs yesterday. There were at least 20 Red Wattlebirds and at least one White-plumed Honeyeater, which did not linger.
Australian Botanical Surveys,
POB 6031,
O'Connor ACT 2602.
02 6257 1860
0429 798 887
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