curiously small response to the list. I think it was the 2013 (or 2012) COG
Blitz day that I watched a pair doing the courtship dance on the power lines
over the old road at Point Hut. (The road that previously went from the parking
area to the main road that is now closed off). So anywhere in suitable habitat
south of there in ACT is reasonably possible, whether likely enough for someone
to arrive at random and be able to take photos is another matter. Also the
picnic area at Googong dam.
almost always see them when I do the COG Blitz at Castle Hill. Sometimes many.
Last year I think only one. But that is private property along the Boboyan
road after Tharwa about 4 km towards Tidbinbilla.
I’ve had a query from a friend
in Melbourne. She has 2 friends who are coming to Canberra and are keen to
photograph diamond firetails. I see those birds occasionally, mostly along the
Time Trail at Tidbinbilla. Does anyone know of reliable sites where they may be