Over the past 3 weeks there has been noticeable movement of Magpie-larks in
my GBS in the first hour or so in the mornings, coming up from Rivett settling
for a few minutes and calling from the wires (and sometimes engaging in many
disputes) before departing in the direction of the Chapman horse paddocks.
In the last hour of so before sunset they can be seen doing the same thing but
in reverse, and usually in a looser group.
Last night at around 8 pm at least 14 could be seen going in pairs over a
period of 5 minutes or so into a large blue gum in the nature strip off Darwinia
Tce in front of house. Whether they actually roosted there is unclear as
there was quite some movement in and out (and are impossible to see easily once
in there), certainly this morning numbers that seemed to be coming out were
fewer than seen last night.
Jack Holland