Yesterday, at around 10 am, I found the two Bungendore Whistleduck Farm
Dams easily, following excellent direction from Martin.
However neither dam sported whistleducks or, for that matter, majestick
Shelducks. There were plent of your common or garden Wood Duck, Black
Duck and Grey Teal, well attended by beef cattle.
This morning three Freckled Ducks at JWNR attempted, with some success,
to assuage yesterday's disappointment. They were assisted by Pink-eared
Duck, Shovelers, Black Duck and Grey Teal. The highlight of the search
was a vagrant, rather pleasantly plumaged New South Wales Birdlife
atlasser who was happy to commiserate with yrs trly on the dearth of
One of the Latham's Snipe which have been torturing photographers at
JWNR for around a week by rising from the long grass, flying some way
and then dropping out of sight into the long grass, changed tack this
morning: it landed right below the south-easternmost hide (name?), found
a very small bare patch and then proceeded to feed within easy range of
waiting bird photographers. Or should that, these digital days, be bird
While parading for the cameras, the snipe cocked its tail and then
arranged the feathers in such as way as to suggest a tube of feathers.
It was, in terms of snipe behaviour, a 'lifer' for me, but was assured
by others present that they had seen the same behaviour before.
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