
bower bird and bower

To: "Birds Canberra" <>
Subject: bower bird and bower
From: "Jack & Andrea Holland" <>
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2015 14:25:39 +1100
Elizabeth, before the January fires I had a bower in my neighbours garden and my observations showed it was attended pretty much all year round, though possibly a bit less in summer.

Unless you see copulation (which I can't recall ever seeing) it has been generally accepted that bower activity does not constitute a breeding record.

The female does all the nest building and brooding, as well as the feeding of young in the nest and once fledged.

They are very secretive about this - I've had a suspected breeding event in my GBS for about a month (it's been chasing away currawongs etc) but I have no idea where the nest may be as there is no regular pattern. A fellow Chapman resident (one of the authors of the article below) has seen a fledgling in his garden this month and then found the nest nearby which he previously had no idea about.

Up to about 10 years ago I published a number of articles on the SBB in CBN, one useful one may be CBN 28 (3) 96-101 (2003) which summarises known SBB breeding to that time and also gives references to earlier papers. At that time the timing for the breeding cycle was deduced to be November to January, but chat line posts etc indicate it is probably wider than that.


Jack Holland

-----Original Message----- From: Elizabeth Compston
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2015 9:32 AM
To: Birds Canberra
Subject: bower bird and bower

A bower bird is building a bower in the front garden of a friend's house in yarralumla. Is this early? Is this a breeding event--building nest? but then, it isn't a nest

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