Hi, I’m hoping to visit our powerful owl tomorrow. If anyone has seen it in the last day or so, is it in the same spot?
From: Terry Bird [
Sent: Monday, 12 January 2015 12:01 PM
To: Geoffrey Dabb
Cc: chatline canberrabirds
Subject: Re: [canberrabirds] Powerful Owl
Probably the closest resident to Canberra North BC I wandered down there at 1100 this morning to provide a powl update for all interested birders. Yes, indeed this owl is still in residence in the second most favoured site. From the exit lane adjacent to Haig Park, slightly to the left of tandem power lines perched on a branch approaching the building roof it can be clearly observed gripping last nights kill presumably
Sent from my iPad
On 11 Jan 2015, at 8:55 pm, "Geoffrey Dabb" <> wrote:
I’d be grateful for any news of the owl. I couldn’t find it in the oak today. Perhaps in a more sheltered possie.