Indeed, it's very plausible that thunder's
infrasound might lead to temporarily deranged behaviour. And that likely would
affect some species, and perhaps not at all other species.
On a closely related matter, I am annoyed and
frustrated by the fireworks displays - so handily often over lakes - that get
bigger and more battle-like year by year. My concern is for the unresearched(?)
impact of our 15 minutes of shock and awe on birds that are 'day fliers' and
were settled for the night, and on fledglings, and pre-fledges.
Recent years have given us several 'finale'
air-bursts at each show that surely match artillery shelling, or likely exceed
the report of such. I shudder to think of the chaos that goes on
(darkly) in an under the foliage as the mindless spectacle plays out.
Likely there are bird losses.
At least there should be limits on the size of the
shells they fire. Some of the latest ones are up to around 200mm in diameter!
Better still, the dim and mostly percussive 'finale' shots should be outright
Ross Kelly