Hi Julie and John,
Is there any chance you would allow us to print this in the Field Naturalists' Newsletter, please....perhaps with one of your photos? It's such a wonderful example of citizen science and the sheer doggedness Julie's shown in being where the action is so often....and persisted with your photographic passion. If you agree would it need a bit about the BBRails and their status in the ACT also, do you think?
I hope this isn't too much to ask, the Field Natters are laid back but very interested in such occurrences on their doorsteps!
Rosemary (Shared your Cisticola at Giralang ponds one day) On 20/01/2015, at 5:04 PM, Julie Clark wrote: Thanks John. I feel more than a little embarrassed by your high praise!
It is nice to know that people other than me are also interested in these fascinating, smart and elusive birds.
Cheers Julie