Just inside the Mugga Lane entrance along the fence between CB and quarry are dense bushes that is habitat to myriad small birds. In fact on Callum Brae, it boasts more different species than any spot of similar size.
Fairy wrens
Red-browed finch
White eared Honeyeater
Speckled warbler......(threatened species, I think)
Eastern spinebill
Fuscous HE
Leaden Flycatcher
Buff-rumped Thornbill
Yellow rumped TB
Striated TB
White browed scrubwren
White-throated treecreeper
Grey fantail
Scarlet robin
Rufous whistler
Golden whistler
This morning the man with the machine came in and drilled a series of holes along the fence line for ACTEW.
Assuming either an electricity line or water pipe is to be taken along that fence line, it can only be done with the destruction of all of the abovementioned habitat.
Is there no end to the environmental destruction going on in the ACT?
One absolutely gutted Margaret Leggoe