
Callum Brae under threat - this email is serious, no joke here.

To: Megan Mears <>
Subject: Callum Brae under threat - this email is serious, no joke here.
From: iinet <>
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 2015 18:37:57 +0900
Hi Mega and Margaret. I suggest you contact Jenny Bounds who is the COG Conservation Officer to see what she can advise. Cheers Alison

Sent from my iPhone

On 18 Jan 2015, at 11:17 am, Megan Mears <> wrote:

Hi Margaret,

Given that the 3rd object and purpose of COG according to the website is:

  • to promote the conservation of native birds and their habitat.
I feel sure that members must have ideas about who to contact or processes that may commence. I don't attend COG meetings with any regularity so I don't know the systems, but there must be a helpful procedure.


On Friday, January 16, 2015, Margaret Leggoe <m("","m.leggoe7141");">> wrote:

Just inside the Mugga Lane entrance along the fence between CB and quarry are dense bushes that is habitat to myriad small birds.  In fact on Callum Brae, it boasts more different species than any spot of similar size.


Fairy wrens 

Red-browed finch 

White eared Honeyeater 

Speckled warbler......(threatened species, I think) 

Eastern spinebill 


Fuscous HE

Leaden Flycatcher

Buff-rumped Thornbill

Yellow rumped TB

Striated TB


White browed scrubwren

White-throated treecreeper


Grey fantail 

Scarlet robin 

Rufous whistler 

Golden whistler


This morning  the man with the machine came in and drilled a series of holes along the fence line for ACTEW. 

Assuming either an electricity line or water pipe is to be taken along that fence line, it can only be done with the destruction of all of the abovementioned habitat. 

Is there no end to the environmental destruction going on in the ACT? 



One absolutely gutted Margaret Leggoe 


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