Thanks Mark, I believe Mike monitors this chat line, certainly my
experience is that he has contacted me in the past when I have made to
occasional post of observations of these species.
More importantly members/subscribers may be interested that it is expected
Mike will be giving the main presentation on his studies of these species at the
11 February COG meeting, so pencil this date into your diaries as something to
look forward to.
Jack Holland
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2015 5:12 PM
Subject: [canberrabirds] Swifts
Good afternoon all,
Many people may not be aware of this but Michael Tarburton
keeps records of any swift reports if people care to send to him their records.
I sent him the details of the swifts I reported earlier this week plus
some that Richard Allen sent to me. What Mike is after is the species, the
locality (with GPS co-ordinates if you have them), time of day, numbers of birds
recorded (sometimes not always possible with swifts wheeling around), weather
conditions and anything else you consider relevant. They can be from
anywhere people see them. Mike’s email is
. Don’t forget to report any seen in COG’s Area of Interest as well by filling
in an “Incidental Report” form.