
Nankeen Night Herons continued

To: COG List <>
Subject: Nankeen Night Herons continued
From: Martin Butterfield <>
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2015 16:30:10 +1100
This afternoon I went back to the lagoon where I spotted a Nankeen Night Heron a few days ago, in the hope of showing the bird to a neighbour, for whom it would be a lifer.  As we got to the top of the ridge on the North side of the lagoon 3 Night-herons took to the air.  One of them headed off to the East, down the Molonglo Valley.  Another 2 birds emerged from the willows - there is a faint chance that the one which flew off snuck back without us seeing it, but my belief is that there were at least 5 birds, all in adult plumage.

The birds all seemed very twitchy and took to the air as we tried to get closer.  They seemed reluctant to fly far and one at least scrambled back into the willows from whence it came.  Taking the time of year, the number of birds and their behaviour into account, after initially discounting the idea,  I am inclined to think there is nesting happening in these willows.  I will certainly monitor the site for developments.

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  • Nankeen Night Herons continued, Martin Butterfield <=

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