Does anyone know whether Australian Ravens produce just one or more clutches of young in a season.
A few days ago I saw a family of ravens feeding fully fledged chicks in a tree on Callum Brae. Today I was sitting about 40 metres from that tree, but looking towards another, much taller tree. The raven family was still in the area. I noticed that every time a currawong came near the tall tree the ravens chased it away, and at one stage, one raven, having chased off the currawong, went and sat in what must have been its nest. The raven only stayed in the nest for about five minutes, then went off to join the rest of the family. If they only raise one clutch, and the chicks are well able to fly, would the ravens still be possessive and protect the nest tree? Might they be planning another hatching in the same season?
Margaret Leggoe