Matt asked COG members to please consider getting behind our project.
Pledges start at $20, with each one entitling you to different rewards. It would
be greatly appreciated if you could also share this link through your networks
because they're going to need a lot of help. The page below has a campaign
video, a description of the project, details of the rewards and a budget.
If they don't reach the $50K target, pledges are not withdrawn from donors
and the project doesn't go ahead, but if they can make it happen then it's going
to be a very exciting journey, following the bitterns' movements online. We'll
learn so much, such as how mobile they are when breeding in the rice, where it
is they go after rice harvest and which wetlands they depend on during the
non-breeding season.
Many thanks for your consideration.
Jack Holland
Since he wasn’t able to provide them during the meeting as the projection
failed, details for Matt follow.
Matt Herring
Wildlife Ecologist
Environmental Education
Wildlife Pty Ltd
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