
jerra wetlands

To: "Maconachie, Michael" <>
Subject: jerra wetlands
From: "Woo O'Reilly" <>
Date: Wed, 6 Aug 2014 17:34:24 +1000
On a non-bird topic but still related to Jerra Wetlands..

I am meeting with Michael tomorrow at Jerrabomberra to arrange some platypus surveys that Waterwatch are running during August (which is Platypus Month). We are looking for recruits to participate in any of the four group surveys to help gauge the population of the platypus both on Jerrabomberra Ck and on the Molonglo Reach. They will all take place at dawn, survey for an hour and will be finished by 8am. Time and dates are as follows:

- Jerra Ck 1 , Tuesday 12 AUGUST 6:15am briefing for a 6:45am start.

- Molonglo Reach 1, Saturday 16 AUGUST - 6:15am briefing for a 6:45am start.


- Jerra Ck 2,Tuesday 26 AUGUST – 6:00am briefing for 6:30 start.

- Molonglo Reach 2, Thursday 28 AUGUST - 6:00am briefing for 6:30 start.

Tea and toast provided afterwards to thaw out. Hopefully the frost won't be as severe as this week!

Please let me know if you are interested. My details are below.


Woo O'Reilly

Upper Murrumbidgee Waterwatch Facilitator

Environment and Planning | ACT Government

Dame Pattie Menzies House, 16 Challis Street, Dickson ACT

02 6207 2246 | 0413 246 761

On Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 4:48 PM, Maconachie, Michael <> wrote:

Spotted two COG members successfully searching for the Azure Kingfisher this afternoon. Not long after they departed a Black Falcon scattered the starlings from the powerlines. Only second one I have ever seen and in the same location. Also 1 White-necked Heron and 3 Cattle Egrets.


Michael Maconachie

Senior Ranger

Jerrabomberra Wetlands Nature Reserve

ACT Parks and Conservation Service

TAMS Directorate

0428 113 533


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