A reminder that the Muster week for the COG Gang-gang survey will start on Wednesday 21st May (week number 21 for those who participate in the COG Garden Bird Survey)
For the seven days of the survey record the maximum number of Gang-gangs you see or hear each day from your chosen site, whether it be your garden , place of work etc. Cross out those days that you are not at the site. All information can be found at http://canberrabirds.org.au/observing-birds/gang-gang-survey/gang-gang-muster-instructions/
Please note that observations can be recorded on paper sheets downloadable from the website or at the end of the week fill in the form at the bottom of the web page.
Finally, remember that all observations are valuable, including nil observations, so please fill in and return the forms even though you have not seen any Gang-gangs on your site.
Good luck,
Chris and the GG project team