A few interesting behaviours around the house this morning –
Migrating Welcome Swallows? The swallow population in Canberra is semi-migratory; some overwinter but others appear to move away and return in Spring. For the past week or so I’ve been hearing swallow calls high enough that I’ve not been
able to see the birds. This isn’t necessarily unusual as we live in Gleneagles not far from the golf course and Welcome Swallows are not uncommon overhead. But this morning, I saw groups of 5, 3 and 3 swallows, fairly high up, and moving in a more deliberate
northerly direction than their more usual circling about movements typical of the foraging swallows throughout summer. I’ve not previously noticed anything suggestive of a “swallow migration”. Have others?
Raven pre-nesting. There are several pairs of Australian Ravens that occur around my GBS area, including a pair that nests in a eucalypt a few houses up the street. This morning one of them spent a good 5 minutes apparently re-furbishing
last year’s nest; repositioning twigs and “settling down” into the bowl. It then hopped out and perched next to its mate to indulge in some clearly hedonistic allo-preening. I’ll need to keep an eye on progress.
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