This morning as i walked my dog around the local school oval i noticed a pair of SCCs poking around in a hollow about 8-10m up a tall gum. We watched each other for about 2 mins before i went on my way. My dog had wandered off a bit by then.
When i got about 20m past them (into the centre of the oval) both SCCs started flying low back and forth over me repeatedly, aggressively shrieking. They proceeded to follow me around the outside of the oval, flying from tree to lamp post repeatedly shrieking and what i consider would be swooping me (like a magpie) at just over my head height. This behaviour went on for about a km from thier tree. At one point 3 more SCCs joined in for about 20m. It wasn't my oblivious dog they seemed upset about.
I am wondering if this is behaviour others have come across before from SCCs? I presume i spooked them whilst looking after thier chicks, although i didn't think i was being invasive being so far below them and just quietly standing there a few trees away watching for a few mins. I certainly haven't heard of this sort of aggression from SCCs before and i'll admit i won't be returning to that part of the suburb for a while!