what it is worth, whilst they are common here, they are not evenly distributed.
Proximity to water and suitable nesting sites surely has raised recorded numbers
and influenced the recorded abundance patterns over the years. As the locations
of GBS Sites varies over the years, this will have impacted on GBS results. Even
so The GBS Report shows some regularity. I believe I have never seen one perched
within my GBS area (28 years), but frequently flying over, often high and
sometimes barely visible. No way of knowing what the break up between flying
over and perching is.
May not be out of the norm for allot of COG members
In the 20 years plus I have lived in this home I have NEVER had
welcome swallows in my yard there were 4 that I saw
Maybe due to the low and poor quality of the lakes etc
I am nowhere near any body of water