A bit late but could be second breeding. Last Year, the pardalotes on my granddaughter’s back verandah lost their first brood . For unknown reasons the young were found dead on the ground. Within a couple of weeks they were breeding again, this time successfully.
Yes, before people jump in, I know they might not have been the same ones but they have been coming for years. Anyway, even if they were a different breeding pair, it was still in January.
John Harris
Rev Dr John Harris,
36 Kangaroo Close,
Nicholls, ACT 2913
P: 61-(0)2-62418472
This morning I observed a group of 4 striated pardalotes, of which at least 2 were inspecting a hole in a what I think was a White Gum on Bruce Ridge. It seems a bit late to start breeding doesn't it? Although the guide does say September
to February. None of the birds fully entered the hollow. Maybe they were just feeding? I wondered if it was a family of four. However, they all appeared to be adults birds.. The birds that I photographed visiting the hole all appear to be 2+ adults, and would
have thought the young would disperse soon after fledging?
John Brown