Twice in the past four years I've seen this species on Mt. Ainslie, but
alas - neither time was I armed with a camera. Today I got lucky in
stumbling across an adult Painted Button-quali with 2-3 chicks in tow
and I managed to get a few pictures (not great quality, but
sufficient for the purpose of proof of unambiguous identification).
(click on thumbnails for larger view)
This brings to 98 the number of species I've photographed in the area
of the SE slopes of Mt.Ainslie (with two more identified but not yet
captured with photos). My hopes of achieving 100 before Canberra's
100th anniversary passes remain alive!! Any well-meaning ornithologists
planning to release penguins or emus into the area, please alert me
Regards ... Robin Eckermann
02-6161-6161 or 0418-630-555