Greetings. Our list now has nearly 300 members and generally
continues to function well, thanks to all subscribers including
especially those who make regular contributions.
From time to time I send to the list a reminder about the list
rules. We keep these to a minimum, but they remain important if we
are to all benefit from and enjoy the list. Here are the list rules.
Messages sent to the CanberraBirds email list should not
* be of a purely commercial nature
* contain offensive or inappropriate language
* contain personal attacks - discuss the message, not the messenger
* stray too far from our main topics: the wild birds of the
Canberra/ACT region, their habitat & conservation.
Recently we have had some very large attachments sent to the list.
It is essential that you resize photos - reduce them in size. Messages,
including attachments, should be under 100 kb in size. This
is because some of our subscribers are still on dial-up connections
to the internet and many access the list using mobile devices.
Geoffrey Dabb has prepared some useful guidelines for ensuring that
photos sent to the list are small enough that the total email size
is under 100 kb. His advice is on the list archive at
If you have any comments on this, pls respond to me directly (m("","coglists-owner");">)
rather than to the whole list.
Good birding!
David McDonald
COG's email lists manager
phone 02 6238 3706
Email: m("","coglists-owner");">