Hi all,
A brief visit to Kelly's Swamp this morning turned up a Pectoral Sandpiper at the southern end. It was on the far side of the water and ducked in and out of cover regularly, but gave great views at times. A scope will help get good views but binoculars should be enough to see the critical identification features anyway. Thanks to those birders who were already there watching the bird and brought it to my attention!
From there I ducked over to Campbell Park where there were still at least a hundred woodswallows of three species (White-browed, Masked and Dusky) plus a few hybrids. I observed one White-browed Woodswallow carrying nesting material so they could stick around for a while yet. Another appeared to be staking out and defending an abandoned Magpie-lark nest (there was a dead Magpie-lark nearby, perhaps the unfortunate previous owner?). There were also 10+ White-winged Trillers making a ruckus, including several males having heated territorial disputes.
On the way out I may have seen a Horsfield's Bushlark but I didn't get a good enough look to confirm.