The 8th K2C bird surveys were held on a fine spring morning, starting with mild still conditions but turning quite warm and very windy later in the morning.
Almost all the expected summer migrants had returned to the area; 4 species of Cuckoo, both Gerygones, Sacred Kingfisher, Rainbow Bee-eater, White-winged Triller, Rufous Whistler, Olive-backed Oriole, Dusky Woodswallow, Leaden Flycatcher, Rufous Songlark and Tree Martin. The warm north-westerly winds had blown in White-browed Woodswallows at one site. No Golden Whistlers were recorded indicating they had probably already left for the cooler, wetter mountain areas, however one late-departing Flame Robin was seen. The smaller insectivores (Thornbills and Fairy-wren) seemed to be in low numbers although all 5 Thornbill species were recorded at one or more sites across the area. The survey reinforced the importance of this region for woodland birds with many records of threatened and declining species; Brown Treecreeper at eight properties, Hooded Robin at three, Restless Flycatcher 3, Scarlet Robin 2, Diamond Firetail 2, Speckled Warbler 2, Southern Whiteface 2, Varied Sittella, Crested Shrike-tit and Eastern Yellow Robin at one site each. Breeding activity was recorded for eighteen species including Southern Whiteface and Restless Flycatcher. The survey morning finished up at the Scottsdale Reserve shearing shed where we shared our findings with each other over a bbq lunch. Thank you once again to the K2C landholders for ongoing access, the COG participants for doing the surveys and to Bush Heritage Australia for hosting us at Scottsdale. The next surveys will take place in April 2014.
Nicki Taws
0408 210736