
Gooroo South woodland survey, 29th September 2013

To: "'canberra birds'" <>, <>
Subject: Gooroo South woodland survey, 29th September 2013
From: "Steve Holliday" <>
Date: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 15:26:23 +1000

Prue and I, and Dave and Kathy Cook, had perfect weather for our spring survey in the southern half of Gooroo. We managed to find 53 species overall. As usual activity at each sub-site varied, with a peak at site 3 where we recorded 25 species in our 10 minute survey.


Migrants present included Rufous Whistler, both gerygones, Shining Bronze-Cuckoo, Dusky Woodswallow, Olive-backed Oriole, White-winged Triller, Noisy Friarbird, and Tree Martin. At site 8 there were 2 very vocal Brown Goshawks. Other raptors seen were 2 Nankeen Kestrels and a Wedge-tailed Eagle. A Diamond Firetail was heard near site 5. Breeding records included rosellas, Superb Parrots and Red-rumped Parrots in or checking hollows, a Dusky Woodswallow carrying nesting material, and a magpie on a nest. Superb Parrots were recorded on a number of occasions. At site 7 a pair of Mistletoebirds put on an interesting display, with both birds calling and posturing, the male at least including quite a bit of mimicry in his song (Varied Sittella, Crimson Rosella and possibly Speckled Warbler amongst others), at the same time raising his tail and holding his wings out, all within a metre or two of Dave’s head! This performance culminated in a split-second copulation between the two birds.


There was plenty of Yellow Box in flower, and in places the ground was thick with the white flowers of Early Nancy. Also patches of Bulbine Lily in bud. 6 species of butterfly included Imperial Jezebel and Lesser Wanderer.




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  • Gooroo South woodland survey, 29th September 2013, Steve Holliday <=

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