2. NPA ACT General Meeting
Thursday - 16 MAY 2013 at O'Connor Uniting
Church, 56 Scrivener Street, O'Connor
Speaker, Jerry Olsen, Adjunct Professional Associate, Institute
of Applied Ecology, University of Canberra, will
speak about Canberra Birds of
In this talk Jerry will briefly discuss the 14 breeding raptor
species found around the ACT region and outline studies on Peregrines and
eagles.Little Eagles have declined regionally since the 1990s and rabbits have
been implicated in this decline.
Jerry Olsen has studied birds of
prey in the Canberra region since 1975 and published some 100 papers and
articles and five books on raptors. In 2002, with Susan Trost, Michael Wink and
Hedi Sauer-Gürth, he discovered and named a new species in Indonesia, the Little
Sumba Hawk-owl Ninox sumbaensis. In 2005 he alerted researchers to the
catastrophic decline in Little Eagle Hieraaetus morphnoides in the ACT
and has, since, worked with ACT Parks and Conservation and the Canberra
Ornithologists Group to document this decline and explain it. In 2012 his book
Australian High Country Owls received a Whitley Award.
All are welcome to the meeting and to enjoy refreshments and a chat
afterwards. Business reports will be abbreviated so that the reports and
presentation should finish at approximately