Good Morning
Even though at times the weather was not the best, cloud, fog, fire haze
etc, still array of birds around
SOME I dont know the name of so will just put a ?? above them, common as I
saw a few of these, anyone who could help with the name would be appreciated, we
all have to learn somehow
Scartlets ( numerous around )
Only spotted this pair ??????????? ducks
Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoo x 3 Long way from me
Flock of Gang Gangs, same spot 3 days in a row, adult and feeding
Black Shouldered Kite
LARGE Brown Falcon I have never seen one as big as this, from a distance I
thought it was and eagle as it was only a shadow with the light till I
4 Egrets, One at point hut ( first time I have seen one there,
right at the bridge last I saw him he was just passed the people fishing
on the opposite bank ) one at Tharwa Bridge, and 2 flying
2 Butcher birds
Single white faced Heron
Numerous Kookaburra's this one blended in with the rock so well
2 Wedge Tailed eagles in the distance do have photos but not the best
Numerous flocks of crimson and eastern rosella
Take Care