
attention Martin

To: Graham Stephinson <>
Subject: attention Martin
From: martin butterfield <>
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2013 12:21:21 +1100
Thanks Steve.  The Kites are indeed back, but not in the huge flock of up to 16 birds that was here a year ago.  

The Harrier sighting is particularly interesting as it is a about 1km West of the usual sighting area.  There has been some discussion among the locals as to how many we have round here and that will add further to the debate.

Dies anyone have an estimate of the likely size of territory of Spotted harrier?  My reading seems to suggest it is determined by food availability.


On 30 March 2013 12:10, Graham Stephinson <> wrote:

Martin - seen in your vicinity -
1 - I note that the black-shouldered kites are back in the Carwoola / Foxlow area.
   - been seeing them as I drive into town, usually closer to Foxlow stud shed & yards.
2 - At Wed.27th. saw spotted harrier rise up from grass in paddock north of (adjoining)
   Carwoola woolshed.  Same day great view of BS kite on hawthorn bush back towards C/Flat.

Had my camera ready for such events but found it had been turn on o'night - flat battery !!


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Martin Butterfield
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