Good afternoon all,
Following on from my message this morning concerning Restless Flycatchers I have asked the COG committee to provide a list of species that we need to keep a “watching brief” on. Several people have contacted me concerning records of both the flycatcher and the Southern Whiteface. These are just two of the species that we need to keep to look out for. I did a list for the former COG President Chris Davey some time ago with species that I feel need to be recorded. I also think we need to record ALL species that are on the NSW threatened species list that that occur in COG’s area of interest. I have been birding in Canberra for over 50 years so feel I have a pretty good idea of what species are in trouble locally. I am sure there are others that also feel the same. If the committee can provide a list, have a good look at it and if you agree or disagree, can add something or think something should be taken off, then contact the committee.