
autumn survey Callum Brae

To: Cog line <>
Subject: autumn survey Callum Brae
From: sandra henderson <>
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2013 13:46:03 +1100
A sparkling morning for the autumn surveys - sunny, still (at least
initially) and lots of birds about.  Three Scarlet Robins within
survey sites, and five between sites, but no Flame Robins about. A
little patch between my third and fourth sites yielded a very nice
group - not really a feeding flock, just a spot that has proved very
"birdy" over the past few months, with both Golden and Rufous
Whistlers, a lineup of eight spotty young Dusky Woodswallows, a
White-throated Gerygone, a Grey Shrike-thrush, several Grey Fantails
and Weebills. There are lots of noisy small flocks of Crimson and
Eastern Rosellas around the reserve. A Western Gerygone was a
not-so-common voice at Callum Brae today, and three raptors put in an
appearance - a Nankeen Kestrel, two Wedge-tailed Eagles and a Brown
Goshawk.  37 species, with 24 of them in at least one of the six
survey areas.
Sandra H

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