
under attack again!!

To: Graham Stephinson <>
Subject: under attack again!!
From: martin butterfield <>
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2013 13:11:11 +1100
Similar situation at Carwoola, although we have our eating trees netted and the Rosellas make do with crab apples.  The chunder looks very similar however.

On 21 March 2013 11:09, Graham Stephinson <> wrote:

Not only are the 'dinosaurs' moving in, the 'pterodactyls' are attacking - see attached 'Avatar comes to Anembo'.
Our lovely expanse of glass across the north & n.e. section of our house has proved to be an hazard for birds,
particularly the many 'apple stealing' crimson rosellas.
Usually any stunned bird is put in a dark place until recovered; this parrot flew away after a few dizzy moments.
Very rarely any deaths.
One advantage, dead birds now R.I.P. in Mark's museum, Gungarlin.

Sadly our breakfast menu suffers as more birds mean less stewed apples !!  Apple season also means satin bowerbirds
frequent our garden, another treasure to look forward too.

Ah me, some elbow grease now required to clean up the mess.
"Need some raptor images on the window" you all say - well, that doesn't appeal.

Steve of Anembo.

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Martin Butterfield
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