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Regards - David
-------- Original Message
Birdline Australian Capital Territory
Published sightings for the week ending 10 Mar 2013.
Sat 9 Mar Spotted Harrier Mulligans Flat Nature Reserve,
One male Spotted Harrier seen well together with a female Collared
Sparrowhawk. The usual bird flocks around with one containing at
least 2 Varied Sittellas. A lone Grey Butcherbird at the front
entrance gate.
Andrew Reeson, Falk Wicker
Mon 4 Mar Rufous Fantail Australian National Botanic Gardens
Observed one bird quite well in the rainforest section, about
15:20, as it was being hassled by a Grey Fantail. Appears to be an
early migration sighting, thanks to Alastair for the info.
Rob Child
Wonga Pigeon Corin Road near Woods Reserve
Wonga Pigeon (1) Approx 17.40, a single bird seen on the side of
the road approx 400 metres south of Woods Reserve
Scott Ryan
White-winged Triller Kama Nature Reserve
Triller seems to be hanging on a little later in season than
usual. Observed just east of central dam 35 15 57S/149 01 31E.
Other species observed included Diamond Firetail and Brown
Treecreeper (which I haven't seen there in recent visits).
Ian Fraser
Birdline Australian Capital Territory is hosted by Eremaea Birds.
David McDonald
1004 Norton Road
Wamboin NSW 2620
T: (02) 6238 3706
M: 0416 231 890
F: (02) 9475 4274
E: m("","david");">