I have had a bit of hawk sighting fest. On Saturday I need to go to
Belconnen (even though it was to drop off my computer for repair, I took
my binoculars with me but I needed to be home in time to see on TV the
hawks beat the crows) and on the way home along Coppins Crossing road
about 300 metres from William Hovell Dr. I saw I thought two raptors
flying, but by the time I stopped, I could just find one Brown Falcon
which was calling and being chased by ravens & magpies. After one such
harrassment the falcon had some feathers twisted or broken from the middle
trailing edge of its left wing.
On Sunday I walked at Kambah Pool and watched one Brown Falcon perched
close to the path. Funny 2 or 3 in 2 days and I had not seen one in
Canberra for along time. Also one Peregrine Falcon, a Wedge-tailed Eagle
and one or several Kestrels along the path (I see the latter 2 species
there on most days I go there).
On Monday afternoon I walked at west side of Mt Taylor and when at the
highest point of the Powerline FT, looking up towards the summit of Mt
Taylor I watched a light morph Little Eagle soaring almost over the summit
(slightly towards the southern side). A Grey Currawong flew several under
metres up the hillside to attack it, then turned around and flew back down
the hill (almost over me). The Little Eagle perched on the top of one of
the big dead trees (from the 2003 fire) just above the horizon from where
I was. Some Magpies and Pied Currawongs bothered it and it flew to
somewhere else when I was not looking, as I was amused by the 25 kangaroos
that were all around me.
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