
Gudgenby Valley birding

To: canberra birds <>
Subject: Gudgenby Valley birding
From: Marnix Zwankhuizen <>
Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2012 15:03:11 +1000
We spent most of today down in Namadgi NP. We started off on the recently 
completed Rendezvous Creek walking trail. Highlights we're a Darter 
(surprisingly) along the creek, a Spotted Harrier quartering over the valley 
grassland and the multitude of migrating honeyeaters passing through. A little 
up the road we found a single Diamond Firetail.

At Glendale we recorded a pair of Brown Treecreepers, several Dusky 
Woodswallows and heard a possible White-winged Triller.

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