
Bee-eaters >Pallid Cuckoo

To: "canberrabirds chatline" <>
Subject: Bee-eaters >Pallid Cuckoo
From: "Julian Robinson" <>
Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2012 16:32:01 +1000

There was a fully adult Pallid Cuckoo at Goolabri Golf Course last Friday 14th Sept.  It was silent but quite confiding so we got good views.



From: Mark Clayton [
Sent: Friday, 21 September 2012 15:06
To: 'Chris Davey';
Subject: RE: [canberrabirds] Bee-eaters


One by one our migrant species are turning up. One however that several people in the ANWC have commented on is the apparent lack of Pallid Cuckoos this year. They used to be regularly recorded at CSIRO (Gungahlin) on or about August 26 each year but so far .... none!! Does the fact that we now have the satellite town of Gungahlin covering more open woodland have anything to do with this or are conditions still so good inland that they are staying out there and not bothering to come this far south and east??


We didn’t see or hear any last weekend when we travelled to and from banding at Charcoal Tank near West Wyalong – we did see a Fan-tailed Cuckoo, I heard a Horsfield’S Bronze-Cuckoo and banded a Shining Bronze-Cuckoo.





Seven Rainbow Bee-eaters flying and calling over my place in Holt at 2.00pm this afternoon heading west.  Steve, I suspect this is a pretty early record. Could you check?


Chris Davey

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