May I take this opportunity to request reports of any possible nesting behaviour in the ACT by Whistling Kites, Little Eagles and harriers for the annual accounting?
Last year there was only one record of LE nesting in the ACT. A single bird continues to be seen every few days over JWNR/FSP and further south over Jerra Creek but there is no recent record of a nest there. Occasional sightings in the Mount Pleasant/Mt Ainslie/Mt Majura sector suggest a possible nest there, but this has never been located. There have been a couple of isolated reports of possible courtship behaviour in recent weeks, which, being isolated, are difficult to interpret.
Whistling Kites have nested on Mt Pleasant and in willows in the Jerrabomberra Backwaters, but not in the last three years. Single birds are occasionally reported, less frequently than LEs.
Both harriers occasionally appear at the wetlands and elsewhere, apparently roving birds. Swamps Harriers have probably nested in Namadgi in recent years, and there is a promising current report from there.
We are looking for breeding behaviour rather than just reports of single birds.
Reports need not be of confirmed nesting. If you know of a possible nest, or other relevant behaviour, Jerry or I will be happy to check it out. It doesn’t matter if you are not absolutely sure of the ID of the bird.
From: martin butterfield [
Sent: Saturday, 15 September 2012 9:56 PM
To: Joanne Kinsella
Subject: Re: [canberrabirds] Sacred Kingfisher at Fyshwick Sewage Ponds this afternoon
I'm not sure what you mean by COG directory but the attached is a screendump from the COG photo gallery showing a portion of the images of Whistling Kite and the URL to get to the page of raptor images.
On 15 September 2012 21:22, Joanne Kinsella <> wrote:
Seems i went at the wrong time, sadly. At 1.00ish today at JW i saw what i think was a Whistling Kite. I say 'think' because the bird i saw matched the images of a WK on other sites on the internet (distinctive under wings pattern), however i can see no mention of this bird in the COG directory. Is it known by some other name or have i likely made a mistake?
Otherwise, nothing particularly exciting (apologies to the multitude of birds i did see, which i've just swept into the 'taken for granted' box). My focus was not on waterbirds today.
> From: m("","leo.berzins");" target="_blank">
> Date: Sat, 15 Sep 2012 19:36:23 +1000
> To: m("","canberrabirds");" target="_blank">
> Subject: Sacred Kingfisher at Fyshwick Sewage Ponds this afternoon
> Also a male Rose Robin in the casuarinas near Cygnus hide at the Jerrabomberra Wetlands this morning (+ a couple of Rufous Whistlers and an Olive-backed Oriole).
> Regards,
> Leo.
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Martin Butterfield